Residential Roofing Bill of Rights: On June 6, 2012 the Colorado Legislature passed the Colorado Senate Bill 38 (SB38), the Consumer Protection/Residential Roofing Bill. The law is designed to protect residential property owners when dealing with roofing contractors.

In summary the bill’s main points are below:

  1. Requires a written & signed contract between the property owner and the roofing contractor which must include several items.
  2. Prohibits a roofing contractor from paying, waiving or rebating an insurance deductible for a property owner. (Nor may a contractor advertise or promise to waive, pay or rebate same.)
  3. Requires a contractor to return any payment or deposit made by the property owner in conjunction with the contract for roofing work within 10 days after rescission of a contract.
  4. States that if a roofing contractor promises to pay, waive or rebate a homeowner’s deductible, the insurance carrier for the property owner is not obligated to consider the estimate of costs for the roofing work prepared by that contractor.
  5. Prohibits a roofing contractor from acting as or claiming to be a public adjuster, adjusting claims for losses or damages.

Learn more, read and download information regarding the Residential Bill of Rights at the Colorado Roofing Association.